Laravel artisan commands for Generators
I got sometime to play with laravel’s new version 5.1. There are lots of artisan commands for productivity and creating a code stub of laravel components from the command line.
I’m going to discuss make commands that generate a file in the laravel application with basic code stub
We can see all make command in the make section of the artisan command list:
php artisan list
Generate a command class
php artisan make:command nameofcommand
This command will generate new command file at app/Commands/nameofcommand.php
Generate a console command class
php artisan make:console nameofclass
This command will generate new console command file at app/Console/Commands/nameofclass.php
Generate a resource controller class
php artisan make:controller mycontroller
This command will generate new resource controller file at app/Http/Controllers/mycontroller.php
Generate an event class
php artisan make:event myevent
This command will generate new event file at app/Events/myevent.php
Generate a job class
php artisan make:job myjob
This command will generate new job file at app/Jobs/myjob.php
Generate an event listener class
php artisan make:listener mylistener
This command will generate new event listener file at app/Listeners/mylistener.php
Generate a middleware class
php artisan make:middleware mymiddleware
This command will generate new middleware file at app/Http/Middleware/mymiddleware.php
Generate a migration class
php artisan make:migration newmigration
This command will generate new migration file at database/migrations/timestamp_newmigration.php (timestamp will be actual timestamp :) )
Generate a model class
php artisan make:model mymodel
This command will generate new model file at app/mymodel.php
Generate a model class
php artisan make:model mymodel
This command will generate new model file at app/mymodel.php
Generate a provider class
php artisan make:provider myprovider
This command will generate new provider file at app/Providers/myprovider.php
Generate a request class
php artisan make:request myrequest
This command will generate new request file at app/Http/Requests/myrequest.php
Generate a seeder class
php artisan make:seeder myseeder
This command will generate new request file at database/seeds/myseeder.php
Few of the commands were available in the 4.2 version and few of them are introduced in the 5.1. Apart from this, you can get more info about command by following:
php artisan help commandname